Golf Swing Drill: Master the Minimalist “No Backswing Golf Swing” Like Justin Thomas

Symptom:  You have heard of the no backswing golf swing drill but don’t know how to do it. You wonder if using a no backswing swing could help. You sometimes lose your balance, and your backswing goes too long or past parallel.  Your playing companions call you “Happy Feet” as your feet slip and your ball slices off to the right… Read More »

Golf Swing Tip: Avoid Your Golf Aim Fail With a Close-in Aim Point

Symptom: Your golf aiming is poor, because you have well struck shots that are straight but off target. Your misses are very repeatable, indicating a consistent aim point.  Its just not the aim point you thought you were targeting.  So your ball is in the rough, or the woods, or the fairway bunker instead of the short grass. Overview:… Read More »